Amanda C is preparing for her FET!
Amanda C is preparing for her FET!
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Amanda Chenausky is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My name is Amanda and I have bilateral tubal blockage with hydrosalpinx and stage 2 Endo.
We started trying to conceive in 2018.
In 2019 we received our infertility diagnosis and started to pursue fertility treatments. We sold our dream home, moved 600 miles away and started the process. I had a tubal repair and Endo removal in late 2019 that was unsuccessful. We went on to have one stim cycle and two stimmed IUIs. During Covid we went on to pursue IVF and were successfully pregnant! We welcomed our rainbow baby in May of 2021. We hope to have another FET in December 2022/January 2023. I’ll need a hysteroscopy, my transfer meds, the cost of an FET and travel expenses because our clinic is 8 hours away. We were able to move forward with our fertility treatments before due to the amazing generosity of friends and family. We hope to do that again to start the process for our FET.
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Amanda Chenausky is organizing this fundraiser.